14 Jan He Had The Softest Smile
What a wonderful term. I could envision it as I told the story of this remarkable, gone too soon, gentleman. Life had been not always fair to David but he had the character that was wired for the, as we say, “attitude of gratitude.” Having lost his own parents in their 50’s to cancer he was determined to wear out many a rocking chair in his own life. David biked to work, played volleyball several times a week, danced like no one was watching and paused to pet every pooch he could. He was the jack of all trades and the holder of his wife’s Emily’s heart, for 22 years. The twinkle in her eye, even at this dark hour of disbelief, was staggering. A piece of his soul was gleaming from within her. I saw it and she relied on it. He, the love of her life, was going to get her through his death. Because, love never dies.
Their house had caught fire four years ago. Leaving the family which was comprised of two adults, two dogs, three teens …. and no insurance policy to recover with. This was coupled with a recent bankruptcy claim. Stress was paralyzing everyone and everything felt like it was too far gone. Even their marriage. As this family of 5 was locked in darkness and literal poverty, David brought them together. This is where the ‘softest smile’ came in. He told them it was true…they had nothing, but they had everything if they remembered their love and the better times. Emily said she felt like hope penetrated her but not in a subtle sense. It was more like a powerful injection. The teens were angry, of course they were, but they learned to rally and contribute. Over the course of their rebuilding, David lost more than a few pounds but it was easily attributed to stress and long hours. None of this was easy and there were plenty of days where fear trumped everything. But, they did it. A lovely bungalow decorated in a way that made you want to sit down and put the kettle on was pulsing with life and hope. David landed a new job that promised an income unlike what they had ever seen before. First stop was the physical. A minor formality encompassed in this most exciting chapter. Yes, you know where I’m going with this. Next was additional bloodwork, diagnostics and copious tears. David hadn’t been to the doctor in at least 20 years. White coat fever he called it. If he had, perhaps…maybe….hopefully….this mass would have been spotted.
In his softest smile ever, he broke the news to his family and now joins his parents as the newest constellation in their heavenly family. Emily and the children feel the strength of the lessons earned during their hardest times and know the first step is to face this as a united front. A soft smile somehow made them warriors.
…..telling stories ~ one legacy at a time.
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