A Shadow Between The Cracks

A Shadow Between The Cracks

Jason was born in the wee hours of a spring morning. His curly auburn locks, green eyes tinged with innocence and a heart filled with forgiveness would be challenged even before his first steps were taken.  As the youngest in a family already mosaiced with father figures and step siblings, it was no place to be when your existence required unwavering nurturance.  Changing schools was not the answer but it was the only attempt.  Not all teachers were “out to get him” and not all kids wanted to bully him.  The fact was, Jason was awkward and remedial; yet, had the gentlest heart that only saw love through his puppy like personality.  His teens were treacherous as he was never supported to find his own tribe.  He could solve math equations like a wizard but foundered in friendships.  His spirit shrivelled as his hand desperately reached out between the cracks for just one person to hold on.  One person to be kind.

At 23 Jason was diagnosed with high functioning autism.  With this tattered label now affixed to him he yearned to salvage his pieces that had fallen between those life sucking cracks. Where was his confidence?  Did that slip away before his self-worth?  What about belonging and self-actualization?  In the triangle of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Jason was a square.

Within those dark recesses where he searched for himself, he discovered something that, for at least a short while, made him feel euphorically content.  As the real worlds jagged edges continued to impale him, drugs filled the holes.  Finally, whether on purpose, by accident or just merely a manoeuvre of surrender, Jason’s 25 year old heart was stopped by fentanyl.

There are more Jasons out there.  I’m asking you to help me write their story with a happy ending…..

Telling Stories…..One Legacy At A Time


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